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Bungee Jumping Experience Gifts

2 Products found in Adventure Experience Days, Bungee Jumping, Midlands Experience Days, Scotland Experience Days, Northern Ireland Experiences and £50 to £99
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About Bungee Jumping Experiences

About Bungee Jumping Experiences

Bungee jumping is a fun and exciting activity, perfect for any adrenaline junkie who doesn’t mind heights and enjoys living life on the edge. No matter which Bungee Jumping Experience you choose, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and will never be forgotten. With your feet on solid ground, you will be given all the necessary safety instructions before you are fitted with your harness and winched into position. Then it is time to take the plunge. Make memories you will cherish forever whilst the wind blows in your face as you either plummet towards the ground, or are launched upwards towards the clouds, at speeds in excess of 60mph!

Is Bungee Jumping Safe?

Is Bungee Jumping Safe?

All of the experiences which we offer have been fully health and safety tested and on the day, there is a qualified instructor to talk you through all of the safety precautions to make sure that the day is enjoyable but safe. Those taking part are weighed, before being strapped into a harness with an expert making sure everything is secure and compact. Before you can experience the rush of bungee jumping, additional health and safety checks will be carried out just being the jump to ensure that all the equipment is in good condition and attached properly so that nothing can go wrong. All you will have to do is enjoy yourself!

The Best Bungee Jumping Experiences

The Best Bungee Jumping Experiences

There are a variety of Bungee Jumping Experiences which we offer, ranging from solo and tandem jumps to entire afternoons of adrenaline fuelled activity. Continue reading to find out some of our favourites.

Adrenaline Rush for Two

If you're looking to try something wild and adventurous then look no further than the Adrenaline Rush for Two. Alongside a friend or family member, choose from one of 6 adrenaline-fuelled experiences which will get your heart rate going and take you outside of your comfort zone. From Paintballing and Aqua Zorbing, to Abseiling and even Bungee Jumping, this is the perfect gift experience for any thrill seeker looking to try something new!

Rockreef Adrenaline Experience

The Rockreef Adrenaline Experience is located at the end of Bournemouth Pier. This exciting Experience will provide all thrill-seekers with the opportunity to climb the Zip tower and zoom along the zipline suspended high above the sea! In addition to this adrenaline-charged experience, you will have the chance to take on the awesome indoor vertical slide and the terrifying leap of faith where you will truly test your nerve as you leap from a plank 20 feet in the air! Do you have what it takes? This experience is perfect for anyone looking to test themselves and try something new whilst having plenty of fun at the same time!

The Triple Whammy at The Abyss

If you wish to have an afternoon filled with adrenaline fuelled activities, culminating in a Bungee Experience sure to get your pulse racing, then The Triple Whammy at The Abyss is a great experience to try. Not only does it offer the chance to fly through the air on a 250ft indoor zipwire and abseil into the abyss from 150ft in the air, the day will finish with the main event…The Drop! Travel a further 143 steps higher into the air for your final buzz of the day. You will experience a sensory overload as you take a leap of faith and plummet towards the ground, attached to a bungee cord of course. Be adventurous and throw yourself out of your comfort zone with this unique and heart-racing Bungee Jumping Experience.

Bungee Jumping UK Locations

Bungee Jumping UK Locations

There are Bungee Jumping Gift Experiences situated all across the UK from London, all the way up to Edinburgh, but being so high up, wherever you decide to try this amazing activity, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful views from miles around which will be the last thing you see before jumping. Whether you want to remain relatively close to home, or you wish to use it as an excuse to travel and explore somewhere new, you will be able to find a stunning location that suits you.

Having hopefully taken some inspiration from reading this, we hope that you will choose Activity Superstore to try out a Bungee Jumping Experience! We always endeavour to have something to suit everyone’s needs but if there are any issues you have, or questions, then don’t hesitate to customersupport@activitysuperstore.com.

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